Precast concrete elements

Lower cost and shorter construction periods is of paramount importance in modern construction projects. For this reason, use of precast concrete sections has become common-place in todays construction sites. The requirement for lower costs and shorter times however, do not mean that quality and workmanship can be compromised. This adds ever more increasing demands for prefabricated precast concrete elements. Due to its advantages,GFRP Technologies is an ideal reinforcement for these elements.

Another great advantage of GFRP Technologies is the significantly reduced amount of reinforcement and concrete cover. This results in much lighter elements, creating design freedom and more importantly, cost savings.

• Pipe segments
• Profiles (T/L/U)
• Facade elements
• Railway sleepers
• Road barriers
• Prefabricated elements


Road and Rail infrastructure

Growing infrastructure and increasing demand for more roads, rail networks and bridges, and inevitable contact with harsh natural forces of nature, leads to the need for costly regular repair, restoration and maintenance.
GFRP Technologies can reduce costs of any initial investment, maintenance and renovation. The protection of structures against chlorides usually require expensive alternatives and require increased concrete cover. These issues can be eliminated with the use of GFRP Technologies rebars

In situ concrete • Noise reduction • Ramps
• Highway reinforcement • Railway sleepers • Railway(Signal)



The increasing sophistication of residential and working structures poses higher requirements and challenges. Aspects such as healthy living, more efficient building methods, aesthetics and the wish for exceptional design, all play a major role in the building of structures. The relationship between people and the structures they live in, is becoming ever more important. This point is also a major concern for modern achitects, investors and owners. less concrete C° smaller diameters C° GFRP Rebar offers excellent attributes for such structures from both a design and sustainability perspective, as well as being extremely cost efficient and durable.


Tunneling and Civil Engineering

In Tunneling, Civil Engineering and Mining, there are various applications for reinforcement. Installations that use GFRP in diaphragm walls or piles, enable easy and time-efficient boring of tunnels. In parallel, the cost of any manual removal of steel reinforcement in the bored area may beavoided, with the additional benefit of less damage to any of the tunelling equipment being used.
GRFP has another advantage  Due to the high resistance to aggressive media, permanent reinforcement is possible, whereby alternative expensive corrosion protection is not necessary. Repair and maintenance costs are also significantly reduced. Enormous savings can be achieved by using  GFRP bolts and shotcrete in tunnel



Industrial buildings are an essential part of everyday life. In industrial enterprises, different products are produced that make modern life easier. Such structures can usually be heavily loaded due to different production methods corrosive environments and strong magnetic fields.
  GFRP Technologies offers cost effective ways to address such problems. An example of this can be outlined in the use of expensive Stainless-Steel reinforcement in Substations which can be replaced by GFRP Technologies This was previously necessary to prevent magnetic fields. Other such examples are Car Parks and Petrol Stations, that can avoid the cost of using protective materials and layers to prevent salt induced corrosion.



The use of water, whether for travel,
energy or treatment, is an essential part of
industry and construction. These structures
are highly exposed to aggressive media,
such as pollution, salts and chemicals, resulting
chloride resistance resistant to
in high and recurring rehabilitation costs. Chemicals
GFRP Rebar of GFRP Technologies counteracts this by protecting against chemicals & chlorides which consequently destroy the rebar and concrete. Therefore, it is not necessary to use costly Stainless Steel or thicker concrete cover that protects the steel. Likewise, it makes economic sense that these concrete structures can be built at significantly lower cost and have a much higher service life.


Manufacture of glass fiber reinforced polymer(composite reinforcing rod) in Pakistan also supplier to Construction Industry and CPEC Projects.